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<div dir="auto">Dear all,<br />
<br />
Please see below for a reminder from Lianne regarding the closing date for entries for Cambridge Spring Regatta.<br />
<br />
Thanks,<br />
Conor<br /></div>
<blockquote style="border-left-color: rgb(26, 188, 156); margin: 5px; padding-left: 10px; border-left-width: thin; border-left-style: solid;"><span style="font-family:-webkit-standard">Rowing Contacts:</span><span style="font-family:-webkit-standard">A quick reminder that entries to the Cambridge Spring Regatta close </span><span style="color:currentcolor;font-family:Arial">Tuesday 16th May at 4PM</span><span style="font-family:-webkit-standard"> or earlier if we reach capacity.</span><br />
<span style="font-family:-webkit-standard">More details and entry form are on the Nines website: </span><a style="font-family:-webkit-standard" href="https://www.cambridge99.org/events/cambridge-spring-regatta" target="_blank">https://www.cambridge99.org/events/cambridge-spring-regatta</a><br />
<span style="font-family:-webkit-standard">We will do our very best to accommodate any time restrictions and work to have your entire set of races done within the same timeframe as a regular outing. If there are specific time restrictions please let us know in the 'anything to tell us?' question.</span><br />
<span style="color:currentcolor;font-family:-webkit-standard">After Tuesday</span><span style="font-family:-webkit-standard">, we will post a request for a row-through form on the website. It is not required but will allow us to coordinate the times and make sure the marshals know to let you go first going downstream and that you will be joining behind the crews on the way back up.</span><br />
<span style="font-family:-webkit-standard">Any questions can be directed to </span><a style="font-family:-webkit-standard" href="https://mailto:Regatta@cambridge99.org" target="_blank">Regatta@cambridge99.org</a><span style="font-family:-webkit-standard">Good luck to those crews who have already entered!</span><br />
<span style="font-family:-webkit-standard">Cambridge '99 RC Regattas committee</span></blockquote>