[CUCBC Contacts] Yellow Flag

flag at cucbc.org flag at cucbc.org
Fri Feb 23 11:02:09 GMT 2024

The flag is Yellow.

Boating is restricted to University crews, first VIIIs and tub pairs. During Lent Term, any VIIIs in the first or second division of the Lent Bumps may boat. During Easter Term, any VIIIs in the first or second division of the May Bumps may boat. Members of crews permitted to boat under a Yellow Flag may do so in fours or small boats (i.e. single and double sculls and pairs) with the express permission of the Club Captain and/or Boatman.

Outlook: Stream and river levels still high. Flag will be reassessed at 1.30pm.

As per email from CUCBC Safety Officer: The river level and stream are such that we do not feel we can safely run the Getting on Race this afternoon, and it is therefore cancelled. All crews entered will receive a full refund.

The CUCBC Committee

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