[CUCBC Contacts] Fairbairn Cup 2021: entries open 1st November

Casey Shepheard cjs225 at cam.ac.uk
Wed Oct 27 13:17:42 UTC 2021

Entries for the Fairbairn Cup 2021 will open on Monday 1st November!

The races will take place on:
Thursday 2nd December - men's and women's novice VIIIs
Friday 3rd December - men's and women's senior and invitational IVs and VIIIs

Entries are made via this form where payment details may also be found:

Entry fees: £70 per VIII, £38 per IV. All entrires must be received and paid for by the 26th November.

Of course, we will be monitoring the Covid situation closely and will be doing everything we can to ensure the races can be held safely.

Rules and regulations, along with further information on division times and Covid-safe marshalling can be found on the website: https://www.fairbairns.jesusboatclub.co.uk

If you have any questions regarding entries or the race, please do contact me at jcbc-fbsecretary at jcsu.jesus.cam.ac.uk

Hope to see lots of you racing!

Fairbairn Cup Secretary 2021
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