[CUCBC Contacts] Small Boats Regatta 2020

Matthew Temple matthew at cucbc.org
Wed Mar 4 18:25:16 UTC 2020

Dear all,

*Captains - please forward this message to your clubs!*

Entries for SBR 2020 <http://www.cucbc.org/regatta/24> are now open, with
races to take place

> from Monday 20th April to Wednesday 22nd April.
Entries should be made via captains using the CUCBC website
Information for each event, including eligibility criteria, is available
online here <http://www.cucbc.org/handbook/racing/sbr>. We can normally
accommodate competitors who want to
enter 2 events, but please note that 3 or more events for a single
competitor is unlikely to be possible.

The races will be run under the same rules as last year. Note that this
means the following:

> 1. The Bushe-Fox Freshman's sculls will not be offered

> 2. Blues, Half-blues, Goldie/Blondie colours and Trial caps are no

> longer allowed to enter the Fairbairn Junior Sculls. Trialists should

> be entering the Delafield or Colquhoun Sculls - with the aim
of encouraging
more college athletes to enter the Fairbairn sculls.

> 3. University medals (and Michell cup points) will only be awarded to

> the winners of the Novice Sculls, Fairbairn Junior Sculls or

> Foster-Fairbairn Pairs if there are four or more entrants in their

> category.

> 4. We will be offering the Colquhoun Sculls as part of SBR.

The deadline for entries to the SBR, including payment, is Sunday 5th

> April at 23:45. Entry Fees are £6 for the Peter Brandt and Maiden

> Sculls, £10 for all other single scull races and £16 per double or

> pair. Entry fees can be paid by bank transfer only (Account name:

> Cambridge University Combined Boat Club; Account number: 00008487;

> Sort code: 72-00-06). Please use a sensible payment reference that

> will allow us to match your payment to your college/entry.

Please note that competing crews will be expected to provide marshals

> (via their clubs) to ensure the smooth and safe running of races.

> Failure to provide marshals as required will result in the automatic

> scratching/disqualification of the relevant competing crew. More

> specific details will be available once we have a list of entries and

> are able to put together a racing timetable.

Best wishes,

> Matthew


> Matthew Temple
CUCBC Exec. Committee
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