[CUCBC Contacts] Vacation coxing, coaching and rowing

Ellie Darlington elliedarlington at gmail.com
Sun Jun 23 16:44:52 UTC 2019

Dear All

If you or anyone in your club is going to be in Cambridge over the summer,
and are keen to get some more water time, be it as a cox, rower or even
coach, then there are plenty of opportunities at Cantabs.

There is a town equivalent of Bumps which take place Monday 15th until
Friday 19th July, with divisions starting at 1815 (1655 on the Friday).
Cantabs will have around 30 crews entered this year, and it probably won't
come as a surprise that we don't have 30 *coxes* and 30 coaches! So if
anyone is interested in spending a few weeks training with any one of our
squads and having some extra bumps racing practice ready for next year,
then please get in touch.

For *rowing*, we are more than happy to have college rowers join us over
the summer to keep on top of their training. We have several squads from
which you can pick from depending on the amount of rowing and racing you
would like to do. We tend to race at a variety of different regattas over
the summer including Peterborough, Sudbury and Oxford, and there would be
opportunities to be involved in racing there if you were keen on some off
Cam experience. We don't have any set crews and there are plenty of
opportunities for people to try new boat types.

For *coaches*, if you're someone who'd like to do more coaching or if
you're considering trying coaching novices next year, then you are welcome
to join our squads and take on a crew. We are also happy to have
inexperienced coaches come and shadow our experienced coaches in outings.
Between them, the Cantabs coaches have wins in recent years at races such
as Henley Women's, WEHORR, Fours Head, Pairs Head, Met, and Wallingford, as
well as earning Town Bumps blades and headships, and have prepared athletes
who have gone on to trial and represent Cambridge in various Boat Races, so
they are a knowledgeable bunch.

If you would like to find out more about any of these coxing, coaching and
rowing opportunities please email me (club.captain at cantabsrowing.org.uk) or
visit our website for more information.

Best wishes

*Cantabrigian RC Club Captain*
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