[CUCBC Contacts] Getting-on Race Results

Matthew Temple matthew at cucbc.org
Sat Jun 8 14:05:04 UTC 2019

Dear all,

Apologies for the multiple emails. There appears to be a technical glitch
with the website which is causing the start order to not display properly.
We will resolve this as soon as we can; in the meantime, I believe that the
start order is still visible to captains if they login with their CUCBC

Best wishes,

On Sat, 8 Jun 2019 at 14:48, Matthew Temple <matthew at cucbc.org> wrote:

> Dear all,
> Apologies once again for the delay in releasing the results of yesterday's
> Getting-on Race.
> The following crews have successfully qualified for bumps:
> *Women*
>    - Caius IV
>    - St Edmunds II
>    - Corpus Christi II
>    - Fitzwilliam III
>    - Churchill II
>    - Robinson II
>    - First and Third II
>    - Jesus IV
>    - Girton II
>    - Downing III
> *Men*
>    - Downing IV
>    - Magdalene V
>    - Selwyn III
>    - Corpus IV
>    - Peterhouse III
>    - Darwin III
>    - Downing V
>    - Churchill IV
>    - Magdalene VI
>    - Caius IV
> The following crews did not get on:
>    - Jesus W5    8:44  (time only)
>    - Queens' M6   9:00
>    - Selwyn W2     9:02
>    - Corpus Christi W3   9:02
>    - Murray Edwards W3   9:48
> The following crews were disqualified:
>    - Caius M5
>    - Caius M6
> A reminder that the coxes of all crews which have qualified for bumps must
> attend the appropriate briefing tomorrow evening. Novice coxes (those who
> have not competed in CUCBC bumps before)* must* attend, unless they
> receive prior permission to miss it from the CUCBC Safety Officer. Senior
> coxes (those who have) may be represented by another senior cox, provided
> that representative undertakes to brief them in turn before the start of
> racing.
> Members of bank parties and rowers who'd like a bit more insight into what
> their coxes might be doing are welcome to attend either briefing.
> The final start order for the 2019 May Bumps is now available here
> <https://www.cucbc.org/bumps/startorder/22>.
> Matthew Temple
> CUCBC Exec. Committee
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