[CUCBC Contacts] Sewage in Cam

Matthew Temple matthew at cucbc.org
Sat Jun 8 11:05:37 UTC 2019

Dear all,

We have received a report that the pump-out station on Jesus Green has
blocked up and overflowed into the Cam. While it currently does not appear
to be overflowing any further, we believe that at least some sewage entered
the river this morning.

There isn't really anything we can do about this, short of setting a red
flag, but I strongly recommend that every college club takes the following
precautions as a minimum:

1. No small boats to go out this weekend.
2. All boats and blades to be thoroughly washed down after every outing,
ideally with some sort of antiseptic or detergent.
3. All rowers and coxes to thoroughly wash their hands, arms and faces
immediately after every outing, and definitely before eating or drinking

Stay healthy, and good luck with the last weekend of training before bumps!

Matthew Temple
CUCBC Exec. Committee
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