[CUCBC Contacts] RTHM Project (Mental Health in Rowing)

Kit Gallagher ccg35 at cam.ac.uk
Thu Jan 31 20:17:02 UTC 2019

Hi all! I'm the secretary for Queens' BC, and I've recently come across the not-for-profit campaign "Rowing Together for Healthy Minds"; set up to promote mental health in rowing. 

They are raising money for the charity Mind through the sale of tech tops for only £13, designed to be worn under club all in ones. While many college clubs don't compete in their targeted races, it'd be really great to see as many people as possible getting behind this great cause in training, as well as racing for those who wear all in ones (if there's enough interest I'd like to organise making the last day of Lent Bumps a targeted race where as many people as possible are wearing these tops!) The order deadline is February 8th, and they're hoping for delivery around February 27th (of course there will be subsequent orders as well if you can't make this one).

Here's some more information on it:

Rowing Together for Healthy Minds (RTHM), was started in memory of René Zamudio, who died by suicide in January 2017. René learnt to row as an undergrad at Bristol University before continuing his studies and training at Imperial College. René shone with confidence and charisma, and his death was a colossal shock, as for many similar cases, he was the last person you would think to be suffering from mental health issues

RTHM aspires to raise the profile of mental health in rowing, to inform athletes and coaches about the symptoms of depression and other disorders, and ultimately to make it easier for people suffering from these issues to reach out for help in future.

RTHM aims to do this by:

Partnering with boat clubs across the UK. Whilst our main target is student rowing clubs, we are open to all.

Selling our Rival Kit universal charity tech tops. These high-quality tops will be worn by athletes from all clubs at races throughout 2019 including BUCS Head and Regatta, Quintin Head and the Head of the River Races. They’re available now on the Rival Kit website.

Supplying a free poster to all affiliated clubs that outlines the club’s commitment to prioritising the mental health of its athletes.

Donating all profits to our partner charity, Mind. They offer information about mental health and provide support to anyone affected by these issues.

Inform and educate others on mental health via our social media accounts @rthm_uk on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. 

Thanks for reading such a long email, to get in touch with them reach out on social media or email rthm.ukmind at gmail.com. Please let me know if you have any other queries/ideas about this, or want to talk about mental health generally (in rowing or otherwise!)

Kit Gallagher

Queens' College Boat Club Secretary

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