[CUCBC Contacts] Emma Sprints 2017 Entries and Row Throughs and Emma Cocktails

Callum Mantell ebcvice at gmail.com
Mon Nov 13 20:25:35 UTC 2017

Dear All,


This will be my final email to the mailing lists. All entries are in, and I
hope to get the draw out by Wednesday evening so all further communication
will be to the contact addresses provided.


Can any senior crews wanting to row through fill in the form at the bottom
of the page here by the end of Thursday:


Finally, there are still around 10 tickets left for Emma Cocktails, so if
you would like to come along for a party with all you can drink for £9 then
please take a look: http://ebc.soc.srcf.net/sprints/emma-cocktails/.


Many thanks,

Callum Mantell

Emmanuel Boat Club Vice-Captain


Mob: (+44/0) 7881 581 606


From: Callum Mantell [mailto:ebcvice at gmail.com] 
Sent: 07 November 2017 09:32
To: contacts at lists.cucbc.org; captains at lists.cucbc.org
Subject: RE: Emma Sprints 2017 Entries and Row Throughs and Emma Cocktails


Dear All,


This is the final reminder for Emma Sprints, entries close on Sunday and
places will be prioritised in order of entry.


Please can I have any row-through requests done by the end of Thursday,
slots that fill up will be removed from the form.


Many thanks,

Callum Mantell

Emmanuel Boat Club Vice-Captain


Mob: (+44/0) 7881 581 606


From: Callum Mantell [mailto:ebcvice at gmail.com] 
Sent: 01 November 2017 08:47
To: contacts at lists.cucbc.org <mailto:contacts at lists.cucbc.org> ;
captains at lists.cucbc.org <mailto:captains at lists.cucbc.org> 
Subject: RE: Emma Sprints 2017 Entries and Row Throughs and Emma Cocktails


Dear All,


This is a quick reminder that Emma Sprints entries are open and will close
on the 12th of November: http://ebc.soc.srcf.net/sprints/rules/


Also row-throughs are available, please see the website for details and the
form to register for row-throughs.


Many thanks,

Callum Mantell

Emmanuel Boat Club Vice-Captain


Mob: (+44/0) 7881 581 606


From: Callum Mantell [mailto:ebcvice at gmail.com] 
Sent: 23 October 2017 08:03
To: contacts at lists.cucbc.org <mailto:contacts at lists.cucbc.org> ;
captains at lists.cucbc.org <mailto:captains at lists.cucbc.org> 
Subject: Emma Sprints 2017 Entries and Row Throughs and Emma Cocktails


Dear all,


Captains please forward this on to LBCs:


Emma Sprints 2017 is taking place on Sunday 19th November. Entries are now
open until 12th November. The entry form and all additional information are
available here: http://ebc.soc.srcf.net/sprints/ 


Get keen as this is the first race of the Novice calendar and a great
introduction to racing. Racing this year will be as last year, with every
crew having at least two races. We anticipate a good turnout and with the
standard fancy dress, mince pies, and exciting racing, this event is not to
be missed! Division winners will receive free tickets to Emma cocktails.
I'll be uploading the draw on the website as soon as possible after the
deadline, along with live results as the event unfolds.


Standard safety rules apply: heel restraints in place, life jackets for
coxes, and correctly fitted bow balls, and we reserve the right to turn away
any crew we deem 'unsafe' with no refund of entry fee.


Tickets are now on sale for Emma Cocktails that takes place on the evening
of Sunday 19th.  It's a great way for competitors to relax after a hard day
of racing, and a good way for senior rowers to get to know (and hopefully
celebrate the victories of) their novice crews.  Unlimited alcohol and some
funky jazz all for only £9.  Tickets can be purchased via the cocktails page
here: http://ebc.soc.srcf.net/sprints/emma-cocktails/.




Any seniors crews wanting to row through after 11am should let me know
through this form: https://goo.gl/forms/DE4MIrS0Bmf1Fh3h1 (also available on
the website), slots are limited and will be offered on a first come first
serve basis.


If anyone would like any further information please contact me on
EBCVice at gmail.com <mailto:EBCVice at gmail.com> .


Many thanks,

Callum Mantell

Emmanuel Boat Club Vice-Captain


Mob: (+44/0) 7881 581 606


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