[CUCBC Contacts] Second Trinity Challenge Sculls 2017

B.E. Jarman bej27 at cam.ac.uk
Sun Feb 26 20:12:43 UTC 2017

Apologies all- the event is being held on Tuesday 14th March, same as 
the Talbott Cup

On 2017-02-25 19:47, B.E. Jarman wrote:
> Dear all,
> First and Third Trinity Boat Club will be running Second Trinity
> Challenge Sculls (STCS) on Tuesday 8th March from 2pm. Entries are now
> open
> The event is a 2600m upstream head race from Little Bridge to Peter's
> Posts and will consist of a single division. The categories are:
> M1x (fine), M1x (restricted), W1x (fine), W1x (restricted), M2x, W2x,
> Mixed 2x, M2-, W2-
> Restricted class singles are the wider, more stable sort of boats one
> would expect to see novices and beginner scullers using. If you are in
> any doubt, please do get in touch and we can clarify for you. Tankards
> will be presented to the winners of events with 3+ entries. Entry is
> £8 per seat.
> Entries can be made via the link below, the deadline is Saturday 11th 
> March:
> https://goo.gl/forms/6rwXsS1oKcX4rNag2
> If you have any questions, please let me know (stcs at firstandthird.org).
> __________
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