[CUCBC Contacts] Lent Bumps 2016 - Tuesday's Results Notes and Fines

Kate Shipley kate at cucbc.org
Tue Feb 23 23:05:28 UTC 2016

Dear all

Thanks to everyone for a great first day of racing and we're looking
forward to an exciting week!

Today's results can be found here <http://www.cucbc.org/lents>.

*Notes from the Umpires*

   - Keep control of crews when bumping
   - KEEP ROWING when you get bumped
   - Hold it up when you bump the crew in front
   - On the row back, give way to the next division rowing to the start


   - Anglia Ruskin - Failure to provide a marshal (first offence) - £15
   - Clare M3 - Lack of concession from cox upon being bumped - Warning
   - Clare Hall M1 - Obstructing an umpire - £20
   - Corpus Christi M1 - Failure to hold it up - £40
   - Hughes Hall - Failure to provide a marshal (first offence) - £15
   - Hughes Hall/Lucy Cav W2 - Holding it up too late - £40
   - Hughes Hall/Lucy Cav W2 - Failure to clear - £30
   - Jesus M3 - Dangerous coxing - £50 and warning
   - King's M2 - Dropped bung, minor advantage - £20
   - Magdalene M2 - Boating without full crew - £50
   - Robinson W1 - Forgot bung (no advantage) - £15
   - Sidney Sussex M2 - No lifejacket - £50
   - Sidney Sussex M2 - Failure to hold it up on bumping - £40
   - St Catharine’s W2 - No lifejacket - £50

All fines can be appealed by e-mailing Dan Wilkins, CUCBC Senior Treasurer (
seniortreasurer at cucbc.org
within 48 hours of this email being sent.

Kate Shipley

CUCBC Executive Committee
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