[CUCBC Contacts] Stourbridge Common river bank restoration works

Tom Grimble tom at cucbc.org
Wed Feb 12 22:56:27 UTC 2014

Dear all

Some of you may have noticed that construction work has begun on
Stourbgridge Common today and these are due to continue through to the end
of March

The purpose of the work is to replace the concrete banking along the common
with a new sustainable solution.

This currently means that the bank of the common is a construction site and
will be fenced off preventing access from the cycle path to the the river's

Clearly this is not ideal with this space due to be used for marshaling and
our assembly area for upcoming rowing events. CUCBC are currently engaged
in discussions with the contractors, Conservancy, City Council and CRA to
aim to minimise the disruption this is going to cause.

At the moment we are aiming to ensure that only a partial stretch of the
common bank is closed off at any time until the end of the Lent Bumps with
the contractors focusing on a short stretch (about 100m) immediately
downstream from the Green Dragon footbridge so at least part of the area is
still usable.

As soon as we have more info we will let you know.

Tom Grimble
CUCBC Honorary Secretary
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