[CUCBC Contacts] Coaching at QCBC

Jemima Graham jg630 at cam.ac.uk
Wed Jul 24 17:26:49 UTC 2013

Dear All,
Queens’ College Women’s Boat Club is looking for coaches and so I am emailing round to ask whether you would be prepared to contribute any of your spare time towards coaching the women’s crews during the coming year (and particularly Michaelmas term at this stage). Any coaching you can give will be much appreciated. 

With many of last year’s squad planning to continue to row in the Michaelmas term, it will prove to be a vital period in terms of training and improving technique to produce and strong and competitive squad. 

Please let me know as soon as possible if you are interested in coaching Queens’ by phone or email (details below). I very much look forward to hearing from you. 

Yours sincerely,

Jemima Graham

Queens’ Women’s Rowing Captain 2013-2014

jg630 at cam.ac.uk

07835 305228
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