[CUCBC Contacts] Thursday Results and Notes & Fines

Tom Grimble tom at cucbc.org
Thu Feb 28 21:26:12 UTC 2013

Dear all

There will be a re-row of 3 crews from the W1 division tomorrow. This
re-row will start at 13:15 ahead of the W3 division. All W3 crews should
marshal EARLY on station by 13:00. The top 3 crews of W3 should marshal
downstream of their stations until the re-row has started. The W3 division
will aim to run on schedule at 13:20.

Crews marshalling for the M3 division will be marshalling at the normal
time but along Stourbridge Common i.e. opposite the Control Desk in reverse
order due to the full length course being needed for the re-row.
Notes from the Umpires

   - Crews are reminded that they should not leave litter on the towpath.
   Any crews found to have left litter on the towpath will be fined £80.
   - Bank parties are reminded that they should give way to the umpires
   following their crews. This includes anyone taking videos of the crew.
   Anyone getting in the way of umpires trying to adjudicate a bump will be
   fined for obstruction.
   - Bank parties may not use megaphones at any time.
   - Bank party size is STRICTLY limited to 4.
   - *Any crew that rows into a stationary crew will be disqualified.*

FinesFines may be appealed by e-mailing Chris Balmer, CUCBC Senior
Treasurer (seniortreasurer at cucbc.org) within 48 hours of this e-mail being

   - Christ's M2 - Littering - £80
   - Darwin M2 - Failure to wind down after the finish- £30
   - Jesus W2 - Excessive bank party - £30
   - Sidney Sussex M1 - Dropped bung, no advantage - £15
   - Queens' M2 - Failure to clear - £30
   - Hughes Hall - Failure to provide marshal (3rd offence) - £45
   - Sidney Sussex - Failure to provide marshal (2nd offence) - £30

Tom Grimble
CUCBC Honorary Secretary
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