[CUCBC Contacts] henley Womens REgatta
Diane Graham
hwrenquiries at hotmail.co.uk
Wed Apr 4 14:56:17 UTC 2012
Dear Captains of Cambridge Colleges and Boat Club ContactsPlease forgive the impersonal introduction but this is the only collective name I have been given to get in touch with people who may be putting in entries for Henley Women's Regatta. I would be grateful if you could circulate this email. Firstly i am writing to say how much the organising committee of Henley Women's hopes that this year we will see a good entry from Cambtidge. Whilst we realise that HWR often clashes with the bumps we feel that for the 25th regatta we hope that many of the colleges who originally entered in the early years will return to race and that Cambridg e rowing will be well represented at this special event. Each year unfortunately we have to turn away several colleges either from Oxford or Cambridge when they try and enter after the closing date. The closing date is strictly adhered to in fairness to other crews - often a late entry from the Colleges is due to a student who has been taking exams and due to the stress has simply left the entry far too late. If the closing date of midnight 4th June could be circulated i would be very grateful. Our other rule stipulates that to be eligible to enter the academic event then all members of the crew must be full academic time internal members of that college. We do not allow composites in the academic event. If a college wishes to enter a composite crew with another college or to enter a crew containing oarswomen who are not internal full time students then the crew must enter Senior. If anyone has any questions re the rules or eligibility the please ask them to contact me early rather than later so that we can explain. many thanksDiane Best wishes
Diane Graham
Regatta Chairman
Tel 01932 240459/07920401093
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