[CUCBC Contacts] Cam Conservancy Fees
Chris Kerr
culrc at cucbc.org
Fri Oct 7 14:11:55 UTC 2011
There appears to be a problem with the link on the original e-mail - so far as
I can tell, the "&Resp=1129098809" part at the end of the link means you
overwrite Clive's response rather than adding a new response.
Please use the following link to fill in the survey
On Friday 07 October 2011 11:59:47 Clive Rees wrote:
> Dear CUCBC Rowers,
> The Cam Conservators have decided that they would
> like to raise their fees by a greedy 25% overall,
> and probably to charge a new fee of £500 per
> rowing event. This is unacceptable to all town
> club rowers, and I assume it is unacceptable to
> you. All us Cam rowers currently pay them £55 per
> eight, and also have to pay the Environment
> agency £19 in order to visit other waters for
> races. So we are currently paying £74 whereas
> other rowers in this country pay £19.
> The Conservators collect fees for rowing boats,
> canoes, punts, sailing boats, motor boats and
> anything that floats. They have decided to
> re-assess who pays how much, and have
> commissioned a survey to find out what river
> users think about one another who should pay
> what. If we do not answer this, we could find
> rowing boat fees going up potentially much more than 25%!
> Please take ten minutes to answer the survey.
> There are a few very complicated questions. You
> do not need to answer them. The first simple
> section about you needs to be answered. The later
> complicated questions are rather designed to get
> the users to point at one another, and are
> probably designed to give a false statistical
> illusion that most users are in favour of fee increases.
> Bear in mind that any boat or punt moored on the
> river occupies it for 168 hours a week. On
> average rowing boats are on the water maybe 2 or 3 hours a week.
> Please say in the appropriate text boxes
> something like "Please control your costs, and do
> not raise fees more than inflation".
> Also most importantly:
> "We object to any fee on rowing events. Rowers
> have already paid fees to use the river. Events
> are run by volunteers to create some funds for
> their clubs. An event charge would wipe out the
> profit and put an end to any motivation to organise events"
> Opinion is invited from all river users, just
> walking past the river counts you in the survey,
> so get your friends to take part as such. It is
> very important that every rower takes part in
> this survey, so please pass this message on to all in your boat club.
> The survey is at
> http://ecotec.dubinterviewer.com/scripts/dubinterviewer.dll/Frames?Quest=20
> 8&QW2512=506314&Resp=1129098809 The Cam Conservators are at
> http://www.camconservators.co.uk/ which also has a link to the survey
> You will see that the deadline on the form is 7
> Oct. We CRA pointed out to Ecorys that would
> effectively exclude the University, and they have
> agreed to extend the deadline to Friday 14 Oct.
> Thank you for taking part,
> Clive Rees M.A. Cantab, M.Sc.
> Chairman Cambridgeshire Rowing Association Boathouse Management
> (ex Queens' CBC, member of Crabtree BC and X-Press BC)
> __________
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Christopher Kerr
St Catharine's College
CULRC Hon: Sec: 2008-11
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