[CUCBC Contacts] FW: Rép. : HEC Paris rowing club

Dan Wilkins dan at cucbc.org
Tue Apr 5 23:45:16 UTC 2011

See forwarded message below. Replies to Alexandre.NIVEL at mailhec.net


From: Alexandre NIVEL [mailto:Alexandre.NIVEL at mailhec.net] 
Sent: 04 April 2011 16:54
To: webmaster at cucbc.org
Subject: Rép. : HEC Paris rowing club



My name is Alexandre Nivel and, on top of being in a graduate program at HEC Paris, I am the Vice President of the HEC Rowing Club.

On Sunday, May 29th 2011 will take place the 9th edition of the Régates en Seine. This race has become a key event in the French university rowing season. Every year, the best French university eight crews - men and women- as well as some European crews compete on the main river of Paris, just at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower.

The Régates en Seine are organized by HEC Paris and ESCP Europe and we would be honoured if cambridge university boat club crews came to this regatta so as to defend Cambridge's colors.



HEC Rowing Club

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