[CUCBC Contacts] Novice Coxes' Presentation

Dan Wilkins dan at cucbc.org
Wed Oct 13 22:33:58 UTC 2010

There will be a meeting for *all new coxes* on Thursday 21st October, 17:00-18:30 in the auditorium at Magdalene College Cripps Court.

A map to Cripps is available here – http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=52.212104,0.116644&sll=52.211538,0.117459&sspn=0.007297,0.018389&ie=UTF8&ll=52.211906,0.116858&spn=0.007297,0.018389&t=h&z=16

All those new to coxing this year are required to attend this meeting. Captains and Lower Boats Captains, please pass this information on to coxes who may not yet be on this mailing list.

Those new to coxing on the River Cam who have coxed before elsewhere may wish to attend from 18:00 when a short presentation will be given on local issues. Lower boats captains may also wish to attend to receive the required information that needs to be given to coxes.

In addition, all coxes should be encouraged to join the CUCBC Coxes' mailing list to ensure they receive important announcements. Information/instructions related to the lists can be found at www.cucbc.org/lists


Dan Wilkins (Jesus College)
CUCBC Honorary Secretary
dan at cucbc.org

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