[CUCBC Contacts] Resident Rowing Coach - Vacancy

Maitre, George GJPAM at oundleschool.org.uk
Wed Feb 3 12:29:06 UTC 2010

Resident Rowing Coach Vacancy


Oundle School is in the process of recruiting Graduates for the position of Resident Sports Coaches.  This is a relatively new scheme aimed at talented sportsmen and women who could contribute to the sporting life of the school.  


Successful candidates would be expected to coach at least one sport to a high standard, to participate in the Sports department as directed by the Director of Sport, and will experience some aspects of teaching, within their particular subject, becoming involved fully in the life of the school.


Successful candidates will be offered employment from the start to the end of the school year (approximately 10 months) for a salary of £10,527 (subject to review in September 2010) and free accommodation. In exceptional circumstances the contract could be renewed to enable the successful candidate to undertake a GTP.


I would be grateful if you could advertise this post in your department and bring it to the attention of any likely candidates. 


We are asking for applications by the 12th February 2010 and it is our intention to invite the strongest candidates to Oundle for interviews on Monday 1st March 2010.


If you require any further information please contact Tracy Heath, Second Master's PA (Telephone: 01832 277112 or email: theath at oundleschool.org.uk).



George Maitre

Head of Rowing 

Oundle School Boat Club


The Corporation of Oundle School, Oundle, PE8 4EE, England. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Charity number 309921
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