[CUCBC Contacts] Fairbairns Schedule Change

Stuart Scott jcbc-fairbairns at jesus.cam.ac.uk
Wed Dec 1 11:58:12 UTC 2010

The river is currently frozen, as far upstream as in front of some of
the boathouses, with temperatures forecast to remain low over the next
two days. We are hence in a position where there is a strong possibility
that the Fairbairns course may be unrowable and at least some divisions
may have to be cancelled. 

We will be monitoring the situation as it develops prior to making final
decisions on the state of the course. 

As a result of the extreme weather today, the poor forecast tonight and
discussions with members of the JCBC and CUCBC committees at this stage
we are making the following changes to racing.

As conditions often improve during the day and given we will also be be
attempting to break up the ice in an attempt to increase the likelihood
of the river clearing as the day progresses, we have made the decision
to alter the schedule of racing tomorrow. 

09:15 Men's and Women's Novice VIII's (Division 2)
11:30 Women's Novice VIII's (Division 1)
14:00 Men's Novice VIII's (Division 1)

The first 10 crews in each division must be downstream of the start
(Jesus College Boathouse) 30 minutes prior to the division start time.

All other crews must arrive 20 minutes prior to the division start time.

This has been done to increase the likelihood that the top Novice crews
are able to race. 

We will email both the Fairbairns mailing list and the CUCBC contacts
list with a decision about whether it is safe to row at least 15 minutes
prior to the marshalling time for that division. Also, no crew should
boat whilst a red flag is displayed outside Jesus College Boathouse.

Further, we are likely to make the same change for Friday (swap the
men's VIIIs division with the IVs division) but will not make a final
decision on this until tomorrow morning.

We hope that all crews are able to race at the new times but in the
event that you have to scratch as a result of this change please email
me with the subject "Scratching: Crew Name".

I must also reiterate that captains and coaches are responsible for
    * All crews have plenty of warm and waterproof clothing stored
      in a waterproof compartment or bag within the boat
    * All coxes and coaches are aware of the symptoms of hypothermia -
      http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Hypothermia/Pages/Symptoms.aspx -
      and know that space blankets will be available, in emergencies
      only, from start marshals, finish marshals and senior umpires.
      These marshals will also be in contact with St Johns Ambulance.
    * All crews are bank partied (1-4 people, no loud hailers)
    * All bank parties are warned about the dangers of black ice
    * All crews have a bow ball, properly adjusted heel restraints and
      all coxes have a life jacket.

Stuart Scott
JCBC Fairbairns Secretary

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