[CUCBC Contacts] Rights of Way etc

Dan Wilkins dan at cucbc.org
Sun Nov 15 18:06:48 UTC 2009

Just a few reminders (especially for novice coxes) now the river is getting busier, particularly on weekend afternoons where crews will be setting out as others are returning from outings.

1) Generally, you should KEEP TO YOUR OWN SIDE (i.e. the cox's right, except after the crossing point), unless you are overtaking (obviously only overtake when it is safe to do so and nothing is coming the other way).

2) Where the river is narrow and two crews cannot row past each other in opposite directions (or if one crew is too far out in the middle of the river), CREWS ROWING DOWNSTREAM SHOULD GIVE WAY TO THOSE ROWING UPSTREAM. This may mean pulling your blades in.

This is particularly important in the run up to the term's racing in a few weeks now crews will want to be practicing race pieces. Obviously practicing a piece does not give you a licence to plow through any traffic that may be on the river - you will still need to stop if it is not safe for you to continue.

Above all...USE YOUR COMMON SENSE and THINK if it is SAFE to continue.

All the best for the upcoming races!

Dan Wilkins (Jesus College)
CUCBC Web Team
dan at cucbc.org

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