[CUCBC Contacts] [Fwd: SSBC Garden Party]

Julian Granger-Bevan julian at cucbc.org
Mon May 11 09:32:31 UTC 2009

Please see below for details of the SSBC Garden Party.

Any enquiries to social at ssbc.org.uk rather than me please.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: SSBC Garden Party
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 21:05:31 +0100
From: Joseph Payton <jwp32 at cam.ac.uk>
To: <webmaster at cucbc.org>

Hi everyone,

Please see attached flyer for information about Sidney Sussex Boat Club's
Garden Party on Suicide Sunday (12-3pm). It's always a popular event, so get
your group orders in soon if you want to take advantage of the advance
ticket discounts.


Joe Payton
SSBC Social Secretary

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