[CUCBC Contacts] Newnham Short Course

Louise Stenfors Virenfeldt els51 at cam.ac.uk
Sun Jan 4 23:13:11 UTC 2009

Dear All,

Hope you are well and looking forward to another exciting term of  
Cambridge rowing! One of the races taking place this term is the  
Newnham Short Course,on Saturday, January 31. The race, running from  
the A14 Road Bridge to the Railings, is a 'head' race of 1.6 km, with  
a standing start.

Results of the race will be announced at the 'NCBC Cocktails' event on  
the evening of Saturday, January 31.

Attached is the Entry Form for the Race, to be returned with a cheque  
made payable to 'Newnham College Boat Club' via my pigeon hole ( E. L.  
Stenfors Virenfeldt) at Newnham College by FRIDAY, JANUARY 23. Forms  
may also be returned via email (els51 at cam.ac.uk).

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further  

Kind regards,

Louise Stenfors Virenfeldt
NCBC Captain 2008 - 2009

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