[CUCBC Contacts] New rowers wanted for study on blood pressure - earn £60

Stacey Hickson sh529 at cam.ac.uk
Mon Oct 27 11:45:40 UTC 2008

To all rowing club committee members and captains, 

Please could you forward this message on to your boat club novices? We are
looking for new rowers to participate in a blood pressure and exercise


New rowers are wanted for a study at Addenbrooke's hospital on blood
pressure in the large arteries. The study will involve two one-hour visits,
or one two-hour visit, and will look for any changes that accompany the
commencement of rowing training. Blood pressure and arterial stiffness will
be measured via non-invasive tests. The minimum resistance of the blood
vessels in your forearms will be measured, by inflating and deflating a
series of pressure cuffs. You will also be able to find out your VO2 max and
cardiac output, which measure aerobic capacity - this will be measured by an
exercise test on a cycle ergometer. We will then invite you back for a
repeat visit early next year, where you will again be reimbursed for your
time. In this way you can track how your fitness levels have changed over
the rowing season.

For more information and to sign up, contact Stacey Hickson or Jeremy Broad

01223 586852

Email: jdb67 at cam.ac.uk

Please find attached a study information sheet (however, note that only some
of the listed tests will be performed - overall time of attendance will not
exceed 2 hours).
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