[CUCBC Contacts] REMINDER: Fairbairn Cup 2008

Dan Wilkins jcbc-fairbairns at jesus.cam.ac.uk
Mon Nov 17 19:12:42 UTC 2008

Just a brief reminder that the entry deadline for the Fairbairn Cup 2008 is
this Thursday, 20th November. No entries will be accepted after this date.

Once you have submitted your entire entry, you should print off and sign the
confirmation form available via the link on the entry system and return it
along with payment. This needs to be received by Thursday 27th November.

I am looking forward to receiving your entries...


Dan Wilkins
JCBC Fairbairns Secretary 2007-9
jcbc-fairbairns at jesus.cam.ac.uk

The Fairbairn Cup is Sponsored by Merrill Lynch

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