[CUCBC Contacts] Fwd: Mobile gantry, Riverside Bridge, River Cam, Monday 12th to Friday 16th May

Will Richards will at cucbc.org
Fri May 9 15:22:22 UTC 2008

>From the Cam Conservancy:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Philippa Noon" <jonatho.wakefi at btconnect.com>
To: "'Philippa Noon \(Cam Cons\) '" <river.manager at camconservators.org.uk>
Subject: Mobile gantry, Riverside Bridge, River Cam, Monday 12th to Friday 16th May
Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 16:22:11 +0100

Would river users please be advised that there will be a mobile gantry
operating over the river at Riverside Bridge next week, Monday 12th to
Friday 16th May. The gantry will be suspended approximately 1.5m to 2.0m
above the water to enable contractors to work on the bridge structure.
Please keep a lookout and take note of any instructions given by the site

Thank you for your attention.


Philippa Noon

River Manager

Conservators of the River Cam

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