[CUCBC Contacts] Robinson Head 2008 - RESULTS

Chris Watterson cjw76 at cam.ac.uk
Fri Feb 8 20:10:05 UTC 2008

Hi Rob,

I wondered if you could maybe check 2 of the times for us. Its difficult to 
believe that there was only 10s between our M2 and M3 boats (M2 are slower 
than I expected and M3 are faster). Perhaps I am mistaken, but I watched 
both races and the results look very odd!

Chris Watterson
Selwyn LBC

On Feb 8 2008, Rob Cook wrote:

>Apologies for the delay, if only I could type faster!
>Congratulations to FaT M1, CCAT M2, Emma W1, FaT W2, who I hope to see 
>in the Linnett Room, Robinson College at 18:30 to receive their fabulous 
>Well done all for a successful event, and I will be in touch soon about 
>refunds for those scratching.

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