<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div>Dear Captains,<br><br></div>The following message went round the coxes list earlier today. This comes, in part, from conversations with some of you about what CUCBC could do to better support cox development. It's not the ideal solution, but I hope will make some use of the goodwill and time of various former college coxes who are still in Cambridge.<br><br></div>I'm not at all sure whether all coxes (especially recent ex-novices) will be on the coxes mailing list, so please pass it on to anyone you think could benefit from it.<br><br></div> If this proves useful, it's certainly something I'd like to see refined and continued later in the year. While I've discussed this with a small number of captains, if any of you have thoughts on improvements to this concept, or even better ideas, please do get in touch!<br><br></div>All the best,<br><br></div>Robert<br><br>--------------<br><br><div><div><div><div><div>Dear coxes list,<br><br></div>CUCBC will be
hosting a relatively informal event this Monday for any college coxes
looking to try and improve their coxing this term. We'll be meeting at
7pm in the Divinity School Main Lecture Theatre.<br><br></div>Ideally,
every cox would receive individual coaching, the same way most rowers
do, but from talking to various clubs over the last few months most
simply don't have enough experienced coxes with sufficient spare time to
make that a reality. (Kudos to the clubs which do - you lucky so and
sos.)<br><br></div>In place of that (slightly impractical) ideal, some
of the more experienced former college coxes still in Cambridge have
kindly agreed to speak briefly about an aspect of coxing which they
think will help improve coxing on the Cam. After that, we'll aim to
break into smaller groups for a much less structured chat. The idea
behind that chat is to provide a venue for less experienced coxes to
raise any issue they're looking for advice on or having problems with.
While that's never going to be as good as direct one-to-one attention on
the water, it will provide an opportunity to learn from the experiences
(and mistakes) of others.<br><br>The session is planned as pretty
informal, so if people need to run at any stage, feel free. Otherwise,
we'll stay and chat as long as there are people who want to. Again, from
talking to various captains last term, this is primarily aimed at less
experienced coxes (in their first year or two or coxing), but is open to
anyone who wants to come along.<br><br></div>All the best,<br><br></div>Robert<br><br></div>