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<div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed;
font-size: 14px;" lang="x-western">Dear Captains,
(Sent also to the Contacts list, as clubs are often slow to hand
over their CUCBC accounts to incoming committees)
Every year CUCBC asks that clubs confirm that they have suitable
insurance cover in place and that we have contact details for key
persons within the club. This can all be uploaded via the CUCBC
website - any clubs without access should in the first instance
contact their outgoing captain/committee for login details. Only
then should they contact our webmaster.
Would all clubs please login, update insurance information where
necessary and check/update contact details. Any club not having
done so before 23.59 on Sunday will not be permitted to boat until
they have satisfied me that appropriate insurance is in place.
Please note that the insurance I need to know about is the Public
Liability part of your cover; I'm not the slightest bit interested
in what your fleet is worth.<br>
Later in term there will be the usual annual safety declaration to
complete and return - details to follow.
Many thanks,
Mark Jacobs
CUCBC Safety Advisor