Dear all,<br><br>We (CUWBC) hope that everyone had a successful, or at least enjoyable,<br>Lent Bumps and that you'll all be watching the Cambridge boat races<br>this weekend (big boys on Saturday in London, women and little boys on<br>
Sunday in Henley).<br><br>We just want to get in touch with everyone to give you some more<br>details about the development squad that we run in the summer so that<br>you can start to put some details in your diaries.<br>
<br>* What is Dev Squad?<br><br>Following the end of the summer term, we run a four week development<br>group where we bring together people from all colleges who are<br>considering rowing for the University in the Henley Boat Races 2012.<br>
You will work in small groups with the CUWBC coaches to rapidly<br>increase the standard of your rowing. It will also give you an idea of<br>the level of training that we will expect of you when you are<br>trialling. You will spend a significant proportion of the time in Dev<br>
Squad working in small boats, and learning to scull. This will give<br>you a solid base on which to build in September when trialling for the<br>University squads begins in earnest.<br><br>* Why should I do it?<br><br>Your standard of rowing will improve markedly in that time. The<br>
weather is generally good, and there are plenty of opportunities to<br>race both on and off the Cam, building your experience further. You<br>will learn how to race side-by-side with other crews.<br><br>* But I don't think I'm good enough!<br>
<br>Let us be the judge of that. We are looking for potential. It doesn't<br>matter to us whether your crew has been Head of the River, or lost<br>every race. We don't care whether you are in the first boat at a big<br>
college, or a lower boat at a small college. What we are looking for<br>is the potential to help us beat Oxford in 2012.<br><br>* What are the dates?<br><br>We will start on Monday 27th June, the Monday after May Week, and run<br>
through to 24th July. But if people are around in Cambridge longer<br>over the summer, most of the coaches live here (or nearby) and will<br>absolutely be keen to keep working with people.<br><br>* Ok, I'm interested, what do I have to do?<br>
<br>Drop an e-mail to <a href=""></a> - we don't need to know much<br>from you at this stage. When you do so, please let us know your<br>availability (in case there are any dates when you will have to be<br>
away from Cambridge). Also let us know if you're around over the<br>Easter holidays at all, as there may be the potential to organise some<br>sessions there as well.<br><br>There will be a meeting at the start of next term for anyone who has<br>
expressed an interest. We're a bit caught up in the preparation for<br>this weekend at the moment so haven't set a date yet, but it will be<br>before the 3rd May because our Blue Boat and head coach are leaving<br>
for a rowing trip to go and compete in Seattle that day (just one of<br>the reasons why rowing for CUW this year has been great).<br><br>If anyone has any questions, please get in touch. Our aim is for you<br>to become the best athletes you possibly can, progressing from college<br>
level rowing, to University rowing, and then potentially onwards to<br>row for GB U23 and beyond. We want to help you achieve great things.<br>And we want to beat Oxford. You can help us do that!<br><br><br>We hope to hear from you soon,<br>
<br>CUWBC<br><br><br><br clear="all">Anne Hempel<br>CUWBC Secretary<div style="display: inline;"></div><br>