Dear all,<br><br>this morning there were two marshals and most of you had lights that worked! <br>A few points though - please make sure relevant coaches etc know about them.<br><br>1. lights must be white, constant, visible and, crucially, switched on! If you discover the batteries have gone just before lighting down then you'll just have to wait another 15 minutes or run and get some batteries.
<br><br>2. the residents along the Cam do not all set their alarm clocks for 7.25 so as to be fully awake when you all start screaming at7.30. It is an arbitrary cut off before which you should be very quiet, and coaches silent, and after which you should be sensitive to the fact that many of the boats and houses are very close to you! We do NOT want to lose morning rowing.
<br><br>3. Several boats attempted to spin at the bottom of the reach, virtually on Ditton corner. PLEASE bear in mind that there is currently more stream than we're used to, and make sure you're nowhere near the corner when you start to spin as it is dangerous and causes carnage. Speak to your coxes about this!
<br><br>4. If there are crews wishing to overtake you on the reach please pull over close to the bank; you do not need to be in the middle of the river. Overtaking crews, if there is not space to overtake, even if it's because the crew ahead won't move over, just don't try it. Again, extremely dangerous.
<br><br>That's all. Hope you enjoyed the lack of wind this morning!<br><br>Ellie<br>CUWBC hon sec<br>