[CUCBC Captains] GoR Competitor information.

Limeng Zhu limeng at cucbc.org
Thu May 30 21:51:29 UTC 2024

Dear all,
The particulars for the Mays getting-on-race have been published and are
available here <https://www.cucbc.org/mays/gor>:

Following the GoR, there will be a combined evening hour from 1915 to 2015.
Crews eligible to row during evening hours are able to park/marshal
upstream of Morley's Holt and await the reopening of the river for college
crews, but must not impede GoR crews heading home nor cross beyond Morley's
Holt should the GoR overrun.

Dr Limeng Zhu
CUCBC Executive Committee
On Behalf of Cambridge University Combined Boat Clubs
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