[CUCBC Captains] Fwd: Lent bumps Parking

Conor Burgess conor at cucbc.org
Mon Feb 26 20:06:38 GMT 2024

Dear all,

Please pass this info on to your spectators if they are planning to head to the Plough in Feb Ditton.

Best wishes,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Camboats of Cambridge, River Tours - Private Cruises <camboats at hotmail.co.uk>
Date: 26 Feb 2024 at 19:48 +0000
To: David O'Loughlin <davidoloughlin at cucbc.org>, committee at cucbc.org <committee at cucbc.org>
Subject: Lent bumps Parking

> Hi folks - please cascade/bounce to crews, bank support and any spectators
> https://www.facebook.com/groups/180576855287505
> As per the above social media notes
> Extra spectator parking at The Plough Fen Ditton CB5 8SX is available, throughout the week.
> Extra Car parking spaces extended all week
> Warm pub, cosy fires
> Food and Drink
> Marquee and stretch tent shelter
> What more could spectators ask for?
> River crossing service:
> • > First crossing an hour before the race
> • > Regular crossing between divisions
> • > Last crossing 30 mins after last crew pass the pub.
> Have fun racing safely.
> Peter
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