[CUCBC Captains] Committee Details & Insurance Info

Luke Barratt lukebarratt at cucbc.org
Wed Oct 25 16:02:46 BST 2023

Hello all,

First, can all Captains please check their committee information is
up-to-date on your Club pages on the CUCBC website?

Now to the main reason for the email: a reminder to update insurance info
on the CUCBC website for your Clubs.

Clubs remaining are: Addies*, ARU, Caius, Fitzwilliam, Girton, Hughes*,
Pembroke, Robinson, Vet School, Wolfson.
*I'm aware you've emailed in questions, just including you for completeness.

The deadline for updating this info is Wednesday 1 November, after which
you are barred from boating until the insurance information is updated and
checked by CUCBC.

Just to clear up a couple of points:
- we don't need the full insurance document, just for you to update the
fields on your page.
- if you are struggling with website logins and lost passwords, please
don't hesitate to get in touch and we can get this sorted for you.

Best wishes,
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