[CUCBC Captains] Swans and Cygnets

Limeng Zhu limeng at cucbc.org
Fri May 26 20:01:50 UTC 2023

Dear Captains, Dear Coxes,

Please be aware that the swans near the new cycle/footbridge on the Long
Reach are now out and about with their newly hatched cygnets, which are
very small. Please remind all of your coxes, steerspeople, bank parties and
coaches to be aware of this and ensure we avoid any collisions.
There are also a group of adult swans near the motorway bridge, please do
not row into these, nor any swans, cygnets and other wildlife in general.

Doing a race piece / sparring on an outing is not an acceptable excuse to
row through a family of swans.


Limeng Zhu
CUCBC Executive Committee
On Behalf of Cambridge University Combined Boat Clubs
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