[CUCBC Captains] CUBC Women's Dev Squad Summer Camp 2023

CUBC Admin cubc.admin at cucbc.org
Thu May 25 18:28:03 UTC 2023

Please see below information regarding the CUBC Women’s Dev Squad Camp this summer.



Hi all,

Please see below the up-to-date info on this year's CUBC Women's Dev Squad Summer Camp which will be taking place from the 5th to the 16th July.

The Summer Camp aims to mirror the CUBC Women's programme as much as possible, including training timings and the types of sessions we will do.
Within the programme there will be education sessions, such as Q&As with current and previous athletes, nutrition, S&C and more exciting learning opportunities to be confirmed.
We will also be racing at Molesey Regatta on the 15th July which will be a great opportunity to put all you have learned into action at a really fun event!
If you are unable to commit to training over these dates it will not affect your ability to trial come September. Participating in Dev Squad summer camp is an opportunity to develop your rowing ability and racing experience. It will also help you to work out if a full programme such as this works for you as an individual outside of the pressures of school and trialling. This will no doubt be useful come September but is by no means compulsory in order to trial.

This camp is invitation only, if you would like to be considered for an invitation you will need to have filled out the attached 'Expression of interest form' below by the 30th May.

For coxes - as well as filling out the form please also email me 2x 1 minute clips of your coxing (one from a race piece and one from paddling) in order to be considered.

I have attached a provisional training schedule.

The total cost for camp will be less than £180 (this was last year's cost and this camp will be slightly shorter). 
The official cost is TBC (as I am awaiting some cost confirmations on the education sessions). I will provide this information as soon as I have it confirmed.

This cost covers:
- Transport (to and from Ely and the race in Molesey)
- S&C (Coaching and programming)
- Rowing & Coxing Coaching (on the water and on land)
- Educational sessions
- Entry Fee for Molesey Regatta
- Dev Squad 2023 T-Shirt

We do not provide accommodation so this is something you would need to be able to sort for yourself for the camp period.

Any questions, please don't hesitate to email me.

Expression of interest form - https://forms.gle/z8Xki4eUyDMXU6Gh8 <https://forms.gle/z8Xki4eUyDMXU6Gh8>
Provisional training programme - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iLmsXVxWw5cwc9SxUNgYm9VHNqMsGD0naruDGeO4Fns/edit?usp=sharing <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iLmsXVxWw5cwc9SxUNgYm9VHNqMsGD0naruDGeO4Fns/edit?usp=sharing>

All the best,

Autumn Mantell
CUBC Women's Assistant Coach

Felix Craig McFeely
CUBC Honorary Secretary

Cambridge University Boat Club
The Goldie Boathouse
Kimberley Road

M: +44 (0) 7780 458283
E: adminsec at cubc.org.uk
W: www.cubc.org.uk

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