[CUCBC Captains] Notes from the Chief Umpires

Conor Burgess conor at cucbc.org
Wed Jun 14 08:36:46 UTC 2023

Dear all,

We hope you’re all looking forward to getting Mays 2023 underway later today! Some notes from the Chief Umpires:

• The bank at station nine is far from ideal. The Conservancy do not plan to  compact the clay. Instead, they plan to allow it to compact gradually over time under its own weight. The clay is pretty solid right now, and there’s no rain forecast which would change that, so bank parties should be able to stand on it to help crews land. Crews at this station should ensure they have at least one bank party ready to help them land, and you’ll likely want to keep the boat pushed off from the bank a bit to avoid the angle becoming too steep. Getting out of the boat will be challenging, so we’d definitely recommend making use of the portaloos at Control whilst you’re marshalling. There will be a temporary chain point here as the real one is currently buried under the clay. Hopefully it will all be back to normal by next Lents, and we won’t have to worry about the risk of the chain point disappearing into the river anymore!
• The forecast looks to be pretty warm; please ensure all crews come prepared with suncream, hats, and plenty of water. The UV index will be highest for the first three or four divisions, so crews in these divisions should be reminded of this in particular! Please ensure coxes have sunglasses so they don’t risk being blinded by the sun.
• Per my email yesterday, please ensure coxes are reminded to be on the lookout for wildlife, and in particular the three swan families.
• There is a bird scarer in the field near to Baitsbite lock, on the east side of the river. It sounds like a shotgun firing (or, if that isn’t a sound you’re familiar with, a loud, sharp bang/clack). If you’re waiting for cannons, it is possible that the bird scarer could be confused for the cannon. Please bear this in mind and listen to the count downs from your bank party to avoid false starts. Hopefully it won’t go off during the last five seconds before the cannon… 🤞
• Handheld filming is strictly forbidden for safety reasons, and will be punished as a severe safety offence. Filming from helmet / handlebar mounted cameras is fine, as long as the cyclist is able to keep both hands on the handlebars and is only looking where they are going and at the crews, and not the camera.
• Crews which excessively waste time on the row down to the start will be warned in the first instance, and then rewarded with a shortened chain thereafter. Please keep crews moving and keep gaps between crews to a minimum.

Best wishes,
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