[CUCBC Captains] Reminder: Bumps Briefings

Dylan Pritchard dylan at cucbc.org
Sat Jun 10 09:05:22 UTC 2023

Dear Captains,

Please be reminded of the following briefings for May bumps tomorrow,
Sunday, 11th June. This will be in the Main Lecture Theatre, St. John's
College, Old Divinity School.

   1. Captains' briefing: 18:00 - 18:15 - Hybrid meeting (join Captains'
   briefing on Teams here
   2. Umpires briefing: 18:15 - 19:00 - Hybrid meeting (join Umpires
   briefing on Teams here
   3. Senior coxes' briefing: 19:15 - 19:45 - *IN PERSON ONLY*
   4. Novice coxes' briefing: 19:45 - 20:30 - *IN PERSON ONLY*

*In-person attendance for the novice and senior coxes' briefing is
mandatory for all those coxing bumps*.* There will be a sign-in sheet
sometime during each briefing.

(*unless proxies are arranged for senior coxes only as per rule 24:
http://www.cucbc.org/handbook/racing/bumps - an acceptable proxy shall be
defined as a senior cox (coxed at least one of Lent or May bumps) from
their club who undertakes to brief the coxswain on safe racing during bumps)

I look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow,

Best wishes,

Dylan Pritchard (He/Him)
Dylan Pritchard (He/Him)
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