[CUCBC Captains] 09/06/2023 Evening hours and GoR

Limeng Zhu limeng at cucbc.org
Thu Jun 8 22:16:16 UTC 2023

Dear captains,
The river will be closed to college crews not racing GoR from 1830 between
the Lock and P&E. There will be no evening hours before the river control.
We expect the Getting-on Race to be concluded by 1915, by which time there
shall be a combined men's and women's hour until 2000.

For crews wishing to go over the lock, you must be at the lock *by* 1830.
For clarification, there are no row-throughs, and we will reopen the river
to crews once the final race is underway-- please listen to the umpires on
the bank for instructions.

Kind regards
Limeng Zhu
CUCBC Executive Committee
On Behalf of Cambridge University Combined Boat Clubs
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