[CUCBC Captains] Pre-term meeting and notices

Catrin Darsley cat at cucbc.org
Thu Jan 5 12:31:09 UTC 2023

Dear Captains,

Happy New Year, and I hope you had a peaceful break. The Cam looks forward
to seeing you back soon!

*1. Lent pre-term Captains' M**eeting*
This term's meeting will be held virtually on Sunday 15th January at 7pm.
The agenda will be sent out closer to; please send across any items that
you would like to be discussed by 8pm on Monday 9th January.

Join the meeting here (Teams)

*2. Concept 2 ergs available*
The Sports Centre have a number of spare Concept 2s for sale from the
Sports Centre at £500 each. I'm not sure what model but apparently "all are
in excellent condition". If interested, please contact Steve Goddard
directly (stephen.goddard at sport.cam.ac.uk/). They can be viewed / collected
when paid for at any time during the SC opening hours (Mon-Fri- 6.30- 10.00
pm or Weekends 8 a.m.- 8.00 pm).

*3. Contacting committee*
Please do remember to email the whole committee instead of individuals if
the matter is not intended just for one of us - you're likely guaranteed a
faster response. (committee at cucbc.org)

*4. General planning*
Lent term hours of darkness <https://cucbc.org/lighting> have been updated
on the CUCBC website. EMMs will be released soon.

Best wishes

Cat Darsley (she/her)
CUCBC Hon Sec 2022-2023
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