[CUCBC Captains] Lent Bumps, a bit of help and reminders

Limeng Zhu limeng at cucbc.org
Wed Feb 15 12:58:58 UTC 2023

Dear Captains,

*Bumps +- a bit of help*
A reminder that the deadline for entries is *21st Feb 2023 at 12pm, i.e.
next Tuesday.*

Further- the following briefings will happen on *Sunday 5th March, in the
Captain's bumps briefing (Hybrid)
Umpire's bumps briefing (Hybrid)
Senior Cox* safety briefing (*In person*, *Mandatory*)
Novice Cox safety briefing (*In person*, *Mandatory*)
*Note that if a cox misses their briefing, they will not be allowed to
compete in bumps.*
We're currently trying to find a suitable (and free) venue to host this. If
your college has a lecture theatre/space which can hold 100-150 people that
would be free between 5:45pm-8:15pm; please do get in touch with us.

*Reminders (please read)*
- EMM: must be competent and stay for the duration specified; otherwise
your club will be fined for providing an incompetent EMM. We also know when
EMMs have just made up crews and boat codes.
Please do feel free to report breaking of rules etc. to us by email, but we
will normally only go off EMM reports for fines/infringements, as mandated
by the rules.

- Crackdown on lights and noise in early mornings: CUCBC committee are also
out and will issue fines for these, including those crews who decide to try
their luck and boat 1/2 minutes early. *Dim lights in fog and darkness is
not a bright idea.* You have been warned.

- For speedy replies from CUCBC committees please address to the whole
committee, and reply to the whole committee (committee at cucbc.org)


Limeng Zhu
CUCBC Executive Committee
On Behalf of Cambridge University Combined Boat Clubs

*I.e. a cox who has coxed one set of CUCBC-run bumps before.
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