[CUCBC Captains] Summer rowing - awareness of other river users

Catrin Darsley cat at cucbc.org
Wed Aug 16 15:25:49 UTC 2023

Dear all,

Due to high silt levels and river weed, please ask any Cam crews to be
vigilant of oncoming motored traffic potentially taking corners wide. Peter
from Camboats has asked for particular care to be taken at Ditton Corner
and Green Dragon bridge, as his vessels will continue to go wide at these
corners to avoid costly vessel damage caused by the slit and leaf debris.

Separately, I recently received notice of an eight in College equipment
having a significant and destructive impact with a single scull and
continuing on with no comment or support from crew nor bank party. This is
obviously reprehensible and will be followed up despite us being outside of
term (and therefore not under the safety concern of CUCBC). Kindly remind
all crews using your equipment that they and you will be held accountable
for any reported damage or incidents.

Having said that, I hope you're enjoying your summers and can get out on
the Cam soon!

Best wishes

Cat Darsley (she/her)
CUCBC Exec Committee
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