[CUCBC Captains] Emma Sprints 2022 - Entries and Row Throughs

EBC Vice Captain ebcvice at gmail.com
Thu Nov 10 09:39:23 GMT 2022

Hi all,

Captains please forward this info to LBCs.

Just a reminder that the deadline for Emma Sprints entries is this *SUNDAY
13TH NOVEMBER*. The deadline for payment for entries is Tuesday 15th at
4pm. Here is the link to enter - Emma Sprints Entries 2022

All race info can be found on our website, including notes for coxes -

If you would like a row through during the event for senior crews please
fill in this form - Emma Sprints Row Throughs 2022

Hope the costume prep is going well!!

If you have any further questions don't hesitate to ask.

Best wishes,

*Annabel Cardno*Vice-Captain 2022–2023
Emmanuel Boat Club

On Sun, 30 Oct 2022 at 08:06, EBC Vice Captain <ebcvice at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> Captains please pass this on to LBCs:
> Emma Sprints is back for 2022, and will be taking place on Sunday 20th
> November! Entries are now open until Sunday 13th November. The entry form
> is available here: *Emma Sprints Entry 2022*
> <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSef7VukOVuL_pJG6LY3tjUa777pN_ai6ZZOSn-29ysfNa2VVQ/viewform?usp=sf_link>
>  and is also on the website, alongside additional information:
> http://ebc.soc.srcf.net/sprints/
> Get keen as this is the first race of the Novice calendar and a great
> introduction to racing. Every crew is guaranteed at least two races. We
> anticipate a good turnout and with the standard fancy dress, mince pies,
> and exciting racing, this event is not to be missed! Division winners will
> receive free tickets to Emma Cocktails. I'll be uploading the draw on the
> website as soon as possible after the deadline, along with live results as
> the racing unfolds.
> Standard safety rules apply: heel restraints in place, life jackets for
> coxes, and correctly fitted bow balls. We reserve the right to turn away
> any crew we deem 'unsafe' with no refund of entry fee.
> *Row-throughs*
> Any seniors crews wanting to row through should let me know through this
> form: *Emma Sprints Row Throughs 2022
> <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfiVc5RmN8A34LZXp3fQ9o6l7i7VZUeHsaWMSF1NLX9PLWjLw/viewform?usp=sf_link>*
>  (also available on the website). Slots are limited and will be offered
> on a first come, first served basis.
> If anyone would like any further information, please contact me on
> ebcvice at gmail.com <EBCVice at gmail.com>.
> Looking forward to seeing you there on the day!
> Best wishes,
> *Annabel Cardno*Vice-Captain 2022–2023
> Emmanuel Boat Club
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