[CUCBC Captains] Mays 2022 - Marshals Rota

Luke Pattison luke at cucbc.org
Sun Jun 12 07:57:02 UTC 2022

Hi again,

I failed to update the link in my last email properly, so it will take you to the Lents Marshals rota - sorry about that!

This one should take you to the updated Mays rota: https://www.cucbc.org/mays/marshals <https://www.cucbc.org/mays/marshals> 



> On 12 Jun 2022, at 08:20, Luke Pattison <luke at cucbc.org> wrote:
> Morning all,
> An updated marshals rota for this year's May Bumps can now be found here: www.cucbc.org/mays/marshals <http://www.cucbc.org/lents/marshals>. Allocations are based on the number of crews you entered and the number of umpires signed up from your club. 
> Those filling marshal slots should have ideally competed in at least one set of Bumps before, although anyone who knows their way along the towpath and who can pull in a boat without breaking off its bowball should be competent enough. Marshals are asked to arrive and sign in at the control desk (at the P&E) 10 minutes before their slot. Failure to provide marshals will result in (escalating) fines, and in the worst case result in us being unable to run races.
> If your club cannot fill a particular marshal slot, you may swap it with another college, but you must obtain their agreement and then email committee at cucbc.org <https://mailto:committee@cucbc.org/> (CCing the other club) to inform us of the swap.
> Best wishes,
> Luke

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