[CUCBC Captains] CUCBC Captains emails - action required!

Conor Burgess conor at cucbc.org
Fri Jul 22 15:09:30 UTC 2022

Hi all,

I hope you’re all enjoying a well earned rest from term time!

Could you please check that your club’s information is correct on the CUCBC website (i.e. the names and non-CUCBC emails of your club’s captains)?

Google Workspace (which we currently utilise to provide your Captains email logins) has ended the (supposedly free forever) offering which CUCBC has been using, so we’re going to be migrating your Captains emails over to our own server. You will still retain the same email address, and you will still have access to a webmail portal (it just won’t be gmail), plus integration with your preferred email apps.

However, it will be difficult to communicate the new login details with you without an alternative means of contacting you - hence why we need to ensure all of your details are correct on the website. Please could one person from each club reply to this email when you’ve confirmed your details are up to date.

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