[CUCBC Captains] Newnham Head 5th February 2022 - ENTRIES NOW OPEN

Regatta NCBC ncbc.regattasec at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 17:09:12 GMT 2022

Hi Everyone!

Entries for Newnham Head on 5th February 2022 are now open!
The entry fee is £8 per seat, including cox.

*Race information and regulations can be found on our website: *
*Enter here ---> *https://forms.gle/kW1SJjPFcxzmuF7y9
*Entries close on 26th January 2022 at 5pm. *

Should the event become over-subscribed, we will be allocating places on a
first-come, first-served basis, so get your entry in soon to secure your

For any queries, don't hesitate to get in touch.

Looking forward to seeing you at Newnham Head!
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