[CUCBC Captains] Captains' Meeting & EMMs

David Berry berry at cucbc.org
Sun Oct 17 20:19:48 UTC 2021

Dear Captains,

In an unfortunate copy-and-paste error, point one should have read
"non-binary and transgender rules ...". Apologies for this.

There is also an additional agenda item: namely, your consideration of my
(non-)election as Honorary Secretary.

Many Thanks,
David Berry

On Sat, 16 Oct 2021 at 19:35, David Berry <berry at cucbc.org> wrote:

> Dear Captains of the several boatclubs,
> The captains' meeting this term is to be held virtually on Tuesday at
> 19:00 via Google Meets at [ meet.google.com/zzd-iisr-ydc ] (hopefully,
> this will still work on Tuesday evening!). Apologies for the short
> notice! Part of the agenda will be discussion about holding next term's
> meeting in person.
> The EMM rota has been set. It is available at https://cucbc.org/marshals.
> It starts on Monday.
> The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
>    1. Non-binary gender rules announcement and amendment to add: “*If you
>    are intersex and unable to apply this policy to choose an appropriate
>    rowing team, please contact CUCBC for a confidential discussion.”*
>    2. Clarify “pulling in if necessary” in rule 23. Proposed wording:
>    “That a slower boat being overtaken must give way (pulling in if
>    stationary, or if moving, pulling closer to the bank if possible) to allow
>    a faster boat to pass.”
>    3. Date of Uni IVs - either W/C 25th Oct or W/C 1st Nov
>    4. Reminders
>       1. Lights
>       2. EMMs
>       3. Bank Parties (novices & small boats)
>       4. Early morning noise
>    5. Pieces during busy periods without a bank-party
>    6. Discussion of potential rule changes (actual proposals to be
>    brought to future meetings)
>       1. Subs who’ve trained with town clubs (currently ineligible)
>       2. Anything else
>    7. Next term's meeting.
>    8. A.O.B.
> Many Thanks,
> David Berry
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