[CUCBC Captains] Urgent - First Aider required for Sunday

Conor Burgess conor at cucbc.org
Sat Jun 19 16:39:20 UTC 2021

With a huge thanks to Alp, Steven and Limeng, we’re all sorted for tomorrow’s first aid cover. Thank you all!

On 19 Jun 2021, 15:59 +0100, Conor Burgess <conor at cucbc.org>, wrote:
> Hi all,
> Unfortunately our first aid cover for the GoR and JER was pulled last night, due to a family emergency with the first aider, and St John’s don’t have anyone to replace them.
> We’ve managed to secure alternative cover for Monday - Thursday, but none of the companies we’ve tried have anyone who can do tomorrow.
> Does anyone know a qualified first aider who could be on hand for the GoR tomorrow? We have a portable first aid backpack, and I’m hoping to borrow one of the CRA’s automatic defibrillators.
> Thanks,
> Conor
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