[CUCBC Captains] Reminder+info: JER Entries close 10pm today

Limeng Zhu limeng at cucbc.org
Fri Jun 4 13:10:06 UTC 2021

Dear Captains,
A final reminder that JER entries close at 10pm today. Please ensure your
entry is properly filled with crew name and members' names/crsIDs otherwise
these will not be valid.

Requests for specific divisions for the GoR are available and the link is
in the previous emails.

In response to a few questions, some clarifications:
-All novice crews must be crewed with only novice rowers, which will be
defined as anyone who has not rowed before Michaelmas 2020.
-As agreed in the previous Captain's meeting, novices may race more than
once daily, only in order to sub into their senior lowest division and fill
an eight.
-Club bills will be sent out shortly after close of entries with full
details of payment instructions and deadlines- this should not prevent you
from entering.
-Likewise, GoR draws and marshalling instructions will be published after
entries close.
-Keep signing up to umpire!

We have about 120 entries at the minute, a fantastic number in such a
disrupted year; however fewer novice crews compared to senior crews
entered. Please ensure all your novice entries are in by the
deadline, these have to be done via captains onto the website. The mixed
category is present if you are having trouble fielding crews solely from
one gender.

Any questions, please email in.
All best,

Limeng Zhu
CUCBC Honarary Secretary
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