[CUCBC Captains] Call for Potential Triallists

Matt Edge lm-president at cubc.org.uk
Fri Jul 23 13:49:59 UTC 2021

Hi all,
I hope you're all well. I'm writing to ask if you have any rowers at your
club who could potentially be interested in trialling with the CUBC
Lightweight Men this coming season. For this we'd look for any promising or
experienced rower around 70kgs (+-10). If there's any uncertainty as to
what the process involves or whether they'd be a good fit, please do get
them in contact with me at:
lm-president at cubc.org.uk
I hope you all have an enjoyable summer and a productive season ahead!
All the best,


Matt Edge
Lightweight Men's President
Cambridge University Boat Club

The Goldie Boathouse
Kimberley Road

T: 07462 890939
E: lm-president at cubc.org.uk
W: www.cubc.org.uk
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